10 Ridiculously Easy Steps To Solve Any Coding Problem.

Mahesh Kamalakar
6 min readSep 17, 2022


Easy Steps To Solve Any Coding Problem.


If you’re like me, you can’t stand programming. It’s hard and frustrating. But if you keep at it, eventually you’ll get the hang of it and find that coding is actually fun! And with these simple steps in mind, I’m sure even the most difficult problems will be solved in no time at all:

Assess the problem

When you are faced with a coding problem, it is important to take stock of the situation. What exactly do you want to solve? Is this an example of a problem that has been solved before and can be adapted for your own use case? If so, what did they do and why did it work for them?

Once you have an idea of what your goal is and how best to approach it, assess the situation by looking at all possible solutions. Your code may be messy or inefficient — maybe there are too many variables involved in solving the problem (too many parameters), or maybe there isn’t enough information available about how exactly something works (no documentation).

After assessing all options using logic and common sense as guides, choose one option based on its potential effectiveness when executed correctly according to plan requirements

Read instructions carefully

  • Read the instructions carefully.
  • Don’t skim over the details.
  • Don’t assume you know what the problem is, or how to solve it; read all of them! You might be surprised at what they tell you in there.
  • Be sure to read all of the comments and labels too (especially if they’re written in different colors). These can often help explain things more clearly than just reading through everything by itself would do by itself .

Check comments and labels

  • Commenting is a good way to document your code, and the comments can help you understand what the code is doing. If a comment doesn’t explain what’s going on, it might be hard for someone else who has to read or look at your code later on.
  • Labels are also helpful for debugging and understanding how the code works. For example: “This variable stores user data” or “This function checks if my password is correct.” These are both labels!

Break it down into manageable chunks

Once you have a problem in mind, break it down into manageable chunks. It may seem like an easy task, but it’s actually something that many programmers struggle with. The first step is to think about how much of your codebase is affected by any given change or bug fix. Then, use that information as a guide for breaking things down:

  • Break up your code into modules (e.g., classes).
  • Break up each module into functions within those modules (e.g., methods).
  • Break up each method into subroutines within those methods.

Work top down, one chunk at a time

Working top down, one chunk at a time, will help you avoid getting overwhelmed by your code.

You should try not to solve the whole problem in one go. Instead, break it down into chunks and work on each piece separately before moving onto the next. This will help ensure that all your code is well structured and easy to read by other developers who may need to review it later on or even just for themselves when they start working on their own projects using similar technologies or frameworks (like PHP).

Don’t rush and take your time when programming

It’s important to take breaks when you need to. Don’t try and do too much at once, and don’t get frustrated if you don’t understand something right away.

Don’t be afraid to ask for help!

Never give up and keep trying different solutions until you find one that works!

If you’re having trouble solving a coding problem, don’t give up! Keep trying different solutions until you find one that works. Don’t be afraid to ask for help if needed and don’t be afraid of starting over. Don’t be afraid of trying something new or asking questions as well.

Keep a nice and tidy work area to avoid clutter or memory confusion

Keeping a clean and tidy work area can help you avoid clutter or memory confusion. It’s important to have an organized workspace so that you don’t get distracted by things that aren’t relevant to your project at hand.

To organize your workspace, there are several different ways of doing this:

  • Create a list of files and folders that need to be downloaded or opened before starting on your current task. You may want to create sub-folders inside of these main ones if there are many different types of files (for example, those related to specific programming languages).
  • If possible, print out each page of code so that it’s visible on paper (and thus easier for someone else in their later stages). This will allow them not only see exactly where everything is located but also understand how everything works together as well as any other relevant information such as what variables mean etcetera.”

If you have a lot of files, it’s important to organize them in a way that makes sense. You may want to create sub-folders inside of these main ones if there are many different types of files (for example, those related to specific programming languages).

Let the computer do the grunt work for you.

This is a good place to start, but it’s not the end. The computer has many more tools at its disposal than you do, and if you’re not sure how to use them, there’s an easier way: let the computer do all of the grunt work for you!

There are two main ways of doing this: using a program like IDLE or Visual Studio Code; or using libraries like NumPy or Pandas (which also have their own IDEs). These programs will allow your code to be run on-demand so that when issues arise with data structures or algorithms, they can be easily debugged without having to write any additional code yourself.

Depending on what kind of problem you’re facing, there may also be other helpful tools available such as:

  • A debugger/profiler toolkit such as PyCharm Professional Edition which provides insight into how each piece of code works together under various conditions (including stack traces). It can also help identify when certain mistakes have been made by letting users see their own source code within environments like Python 3 where otherwise hidden away from view (like in IDLE) — this allows developers who aren’t familiar with these languages enough detail about what happens inside them when things go wrong which makes debugging easier since they know exactly where things went wrong before being ableto fix it. A unit testing framework like JUnit which allows for automated testing of code by defining pre-written functions that check the results of individual functions in isolation and producing a report on their success or failure (similar to how one might write tests for a website). This can help ensure that no bugs are introduced while making changes to existing code, or when adding new functionality.

With these tips in mind, you can solve any coding problem.

Now that you know how to solve coding problems, let’s take a look at some of the most common ones.

  • The solution to this problem is straightforward: break down the problem into manageable chunks. It’s easier to handle big problems when they’re broken down into smaller ones, which makes it much easier for us humans — and our brains — to process them.
  • The next step is taking your time when programming or debugging code. Don’t rush through anything; instead, go over each line of code one by one until it works properly and everything checks out (or does not). This will help prevent errors from occurring in later stages of development and testing phases if necessary; otherwise, those errors could cause more harm than good!
  • Keep an organized workspace so that clutter doesn’t get in between you and getting things done quickly (and painlessly). You should always have plenty of space available around both sides so there aren’t too many items obstructing our path back onto task again.”


We hope these tips will help you get your code working and stay that way. As always, we welcome questions or comments on any of our content and would love to hear from you!



Mahesh Kamalakar

I’m a passionate learner of new technology, and I’d love to help you learn the same. I’m always looking for ways to share knowledge and make a positive impact.