It’s tough to be a programmer: That’s why I believe in programming

Mahesh Kamalakar
1 min readOct 6, 2022


Photo by Clint Patterson on Unsplash

It’s tough to be a programmer.

We’re so often judged by how fast we can code, how many lines of code we can write, and how much time it takes us to get something done. And we have to do all this in our spare time — which means we don’t have much time for anything else.

But what if I told you there was another way? What if I told you that programming is about more than just the code itself? It’s about the process of creating it, and that process is just as important as the end product.

Because when you’re making your way through a project, it’s easy to get caught up in the details — and forget about what matters most: finding inspiration in something new, seeing how your ideas come together with those around you, and sharing your work with people who care about what you make.

That’s why I believe in programming: because it gives us an opportunity to create something beautiful together!



Mahesh Kamalakar

I’m a passionate learner of new technology, and I’d love to help you learn the same. I’m always looking for ways to share knowledge and make a positive impact.