The New Economic Reality Is Blockchain Technology: A blog about blockchain with an introduction to its technology and how it can be used.

Mahesh Kamalakar
7 min readSep 25, 2022


Blockchain Technology


Blockchain technology is making waves in many industries today. It’s not just financial services or cryptocurrency that are looking to this emerging technology, though. The blockchain industry has also attracted developers and companies who want to develop their own decentralized applications (DApps) on top of the blockchain platform, but don’t know how or where to start. This article will explain how blockchain works and how it can be used by individuals and businesses alike!

Blockchain is a secure way to share information about transactions, contracts and more that are recorded on an unchangeable public ledger.

Blockchain is a distributed ledger technology that can record transactions in a secure, transparent and decentralized way. Blockchain applications are being developed for various industries including banking, healthcare, government and supply chain management.

Blockchain’s strength lies in its ability to provide data integrity through digital signatures and encryption. It uses consensus algorithms to reach agreement on valid transactions from multiple parties who store their own copies of the database on their respective systems (i.e., no central authority). This makes it resistant to hacking attempts because there’s no single point of failure — it’s hard for hackers to get into your computer if you’re using an encrypted network with multiple computers running different software versions of Bitcoin Core software installed on them all!

Since blockchain is based on the principles of decentralization, transparency and immutability, it can be used in a wide range of industries as well as by individuals.

Blockchain technology is a distributed ledger that can be used to record transactions across many different systems. It’s been around since 2008, but it’s only recently become the topic of conversation among business leaders and technologists alike.

Blockchain is based on the principles of decentralization, transparency and immutability; these characteristics make it an ideal platform for any industry where trust is important (such as banking). Since blockchain is a decentralized system with no single point of failure or central authority controlling it, there are far fewer risks involved in using this technology than traditional methods such as email or cloud storage services do.

The use case for blockchain technology has grown rapidly over recent years because its applications extend beyond just financial transactions — it can also be applied to supply chain management systems which track goods from their source all the way through their sale at retail outlets like Wal-Mart Stores Inc., Target Corp., Sears Holdings Corp., etc.

The biggest benefit of using a blockchain system is that it is virtually tamper-proof.

The biggest benefit of using a blockchain system is that it is virtually tamper-proof. The decentralized nature of blockchain technology means that hackers would need to compromise every transaction at the same time in order to tamper with the data. This makes it very hard for hackers to do any damage, as they cannot control or change any information without gaining access to every single computer on the network simultaneously.

Blockchain systems also provide transparency when it comes to financial transactions and record keeping because they are publically available through an online ledger which everyone can view at any time (therefore making them more trustworthy). Also unlike traditional databases where companies store sensitive information such as emails or customer records on their servers alone (which may be hacked), blockchains use advanced cryptography techniques like SHA-256 hashing algorithms which generate unique codes for each piece of data stored within its database structure instead allowing anyone access these files unless authorized by those responsible for managing them.”

With blockchain technology, parties can negotiate contracts without the need for intermediaries who can delay or even stop the transaction through fraud or legal disputes.

Blockchain technology is a secure way to share information about transactions, contracts and more that are recorded on an unchangeable public ledger. This makes it ideal for tracking the transfer of assets like money or property. With blockchain technology, parties can negotiate contracts without the need for intermediaries who can delay or even stop the transaction through fraud or legal disputes.

In addition to providing greater transparency in financial transactions, blockchain allows people to interact directly with one another rather than going through an intermediary (like banks). This has potential benefits such as increased efficiency and cost savings at every stage of trade — including settlement processing times — and reduced risk exposure due to reduced fraud risk management costs; therefore making businesses more competitive across borders!

A smart contract, also known as a digital or self-executing contract, is a written agreement between two parties in the form of computer code. They are stored and managed on a blockchain network where they are automatically executed when prescribed conditions are met.

Smart contracts are written agreements between two parties in the form of computer code. They are stored and managed on a blockchain network where they are automatically executed when prescribed conditions are met.

The terms “smart” and “contract” have been used interchangeably, however it is important to note that smart contracts only execute if certain criteria are met oracles (oracles).

Smart contracts enable immediate transactions, which improves efficiency and reduces human error.

Smart contracts are automated contracts that execute upon the occurrence of specified events, such as the payment of funds. Smart contracts are stored on a blockchain network and can be used to execute legal agreements between parties. When conditions are met, smart contracts automatically execute in order to fulfill their purpose. For example, you could use a smart contract to create an automatic contract where payments will be made only when certain conditions have been met (e.g., when someone volunteers in your community). By automating this process with software code instead of relying on human intervention or errors from those involved in the transaction process itself, it saves time and money for both parties involved!

Smart contracts enable businesses to perform operations with reduced overhead costs because there is no need for intermediaries who verify transactions and execute contracts.

Smart contracts are self-executing, eliminating the need for intermediaries. They can be used to automate the process of verifying transactions and executing contracts.

Smart contracts are more secure than traditional contracts because they allow parties to agree on terms before entering into a transaction; this reduces risk because there is no chance that one party will change their mind after agreeing on terms, or that one party will be unable to pay for services rendered by another party later down the line (because you didn’t know about these terms when signing up).

Another feature of blockchain technology is its ability to create unique digital assets that can be bought and sold instantly through the use of cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin.

Another feature of blockchain technology is its ability to create unique digital assets that can be bought and sold instantly through the use of cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin.

This is because blockchain transactions are recorded on a public ledger, which cannot be changed or falsified. The record also serves as an immutable proof that each transaction took place in real time (no lag time). As such, it’s possible for you to prove ownership over certain assets without having physical possession of them — something that would have been impossible with traditional financial systems until now!

Blockchain technology can help with social media data breaches since it cannot be easily hacked due to its decentralized nature. The distributed ledger system makes it even more difficult for hackers to corrupt data since every transaction or storage location must be compromised at the same time.

Blockchain technology can help with social media data breaches since it cannot be easily hacked due to its decentralized nature. The distributed ledger system makes it even more difficult for hackers to corrupt data since every transaction or storage location must be compromised at the same time.

Blockchain is a decentralized ledger system, which means that there is no single person or entity that controls all of the information stored on the blockchain network. Instead, every computer on the network has access to all of its data and can participate in transactions based on their own criteria and rules set forth by users who control each node’s operations (see below). This distributed nature enables blockchain networks such as Bitcoin Core and Ethereum (which uses smart contracts) because no one person or organization can censor transactions without being caught by other nodes within the network itself; therefore there are no “double spend” issues when sending money through these types of platforms like PayPal does today!


Blockchain technology is a rapidly developing field that has the potential to revolutionize business processes and transactions. However, its adoption will require changes in how we do things such as accounting, taxes, and contracts. Blockchain technology can also help with social media data breaches since it cannot be easily hacked due to its decentralized nature. The distributed ledger system makes it even more difficult for hackers to corrupt data since every transaction or storage location must be compromised at the same time.



Mahesh Kamalakar

I’m a passionate learner of new technology, and I’d love to help you learn the same. I’m always looking for ways to share knowledge and make a positive impact.